{curl 6.0,7.0,8.0 applet} {curl-file-attributes character-encoding = “shift-jis”}
{define-proc {prepare-traverse-with-enter atc:ActiveTraversalContainer, target-controls:{Set-of Type}, ignore-exception? = true }:void {let gui-m:GuiManager = {get-gui-manager}} {let fm:#FocusManager = {atc.get-focus-manager}} {gui-m.add-event-handler {on ke:RawKeyRelease at gui-m do {if ke.keycode == Keycode.enter and fm.keyboard-focus-target isa ControlUI then def target = fm.keyboard-focus-target asa ControlUI def ctl = target.control {if {target-controls.member? {type-of ctl}}then {if ke.shift? then {d.traverse forward?=false} else {d.traverse} } } } } } {return} }
{def enter-to-move-targets:{Set-of Type} = {{Set-of Type} TextField ,PasswordField ||,TextArea || In TextArea, enter key will be kept as a carriage return key. ,{type-of {SpinControl}.focus-object} || for DateField and SpinControl ,CommandButton ,CalendarControl } }
{let d:Dialog ={Dialog {VBox {TextField prompt=“enter to move next”}, {PasswordField prompt=“enter to move next”}, {TextDisplay value=“test”}, {DateField}, {SpinControl}, {CalendarControl}, {CommandButton}, {TextArea} } } }
{value d}
{prepare-traverse-with-enter d, enter-to-move-targets }