{curl 6.0,7.0,8.0 applet}
{define-proc {create-select-line-handler}:EventHandler {return {on e:PointerPress at grsc:GuiRangeSelectionContext do {if not e.consumed? and e.click-count == 3 then {if grsc.range-selection-ui-enabled? then {if-non-null range = grsc.selection.range then def start-mark = range.start-mark def end-mark = range.end-mark
{if start-mark.graphic == end-mark.graphic then def graphic = start-mark.graphic def bounds = {graphic.layout.get-bounds} def start-clone = {start-mark.clone} def end-clone = {end-mark.clone} def (graphic-x, graphic-y) = {transform-coordinates e.x, e.y, grsc, graphic} {if {start-clone.move-to-point bounds.lextent, graphic-y } and {end-clone.move-to-point bounds.rextent – .01pt, graphic-y } then {grsc.select start-clone, end-clone} } } } {e.consume} } } } } }
{define-proc {find-grsc g:Graphic}:#GuiRangeSelectionContext {type-switch g case g:GuiRangeSelectionContext do {return g} }
{if-non-null parent = g.parent then {return {find-grsc parent}} }
{return null} }
{define-proc {install-handler g:Graphic}:void {if-non-null grsc = {find-grsc g} then {grsc.add-event-handler {create-select-line-handler}} } }
{value def tfb = {TextFlowBox background={Color.from-string “#9099ff”}, width=2in,
{text First text fragment.}, {paragraph Second text fragment. Quite a bit longer than the first. May wrap.}, “Text in quotes. Here, text is expressed “ & “as two concatenated Strings.” } {after 0s do {install-handler tfb}} tfb }